Became a Daddy to Esmae

2013 November 05

Created by Sarah 4 years ago

Following on from Chris and Sarah's travels and their surprise stow away, On the 5th November 2013, Esmae Fern Mepham was born to Chris and Sarah, by C Section at the Conquest hospital in Hastings. Chris and Sarah always found it comical that she was born on Bonfire night as the nurse who had booked the procedure, met Chris in fire kit and they always wondered if that was why!

Chris was an incredible daddy and took to it straight away, he was nervous to begin with but soon got in to the routine and Esmae doted on him from such an early age. She was always and will always be a daddy's girl and the two of them were inseparable. Esmae is very much like Chris, she has such a creative side and a wonderful imagination and eye for making things, something Chris would be so very proud of. 

Chris was so happy to have become a dad and to have started a family, this was something he had longed for, he was so proud walking through Battle High Street with the pushchair or taking her for a stroll to go to sleep, he used to say it was their "special time".

Many family holidays, Chris would want to take Esmae off as a baby to get her to sleep, he would walk for hours in the sunshine so that Sarah could sit by the pool and sunbathe with a book. He would always return with a huge grin on his face and an obvious sense of achievement that she had given in and was asleep! Then he would say "Quick! Time for a beer!" 

